Monday, July 14, 2008

Poisonous Moth!

So for those who've been to Japan know about the giant bugs that live here. The only bug that seems smaller in comparison to the Americas are the mosquito's...they have smaller legs and look more like some other bug.

Well, up here in the boonies of the mountains, there are more and they seem bigger. And now that summer is here, there seems to be more of them around my house.

About a week ago I found this lovely beetle in my toilet most likely Hideki-chan found her (yes it's a female stag beetle) played with it and when he was done, dropped it into my toilet. He often does this with things around the house that he doesn't want to play with anymore...usually when i'm away for a few days. But this time I found it when I got home from school.

Another thing that I found out was they have poisonous moths here. At school they put this lovely poster up of a pretty yellow moth. Next to that are pics of someones back and looks as if they got chicken pox or some really nasty rash. The other pic is of a person's arm that looks as it were burned and the tissue is healing. Well it turns out to be the reactions a person gets when they come in contact with this moth or it's larva.*shuders* And the way to stop the spread is by putting duck tape over the first sign of the rash.

Ah, the magic of duck tape ^_^

So another little nasty-ass bug I found last night IN MY BED was a geji-geji, aka a centipede. So when I came home yesterday Hideki-chan was really freakin jumpy about anything move out of the corner of his eye or that moved across the floor. From my hand to a piece of paper, he would just jump, but only in the living room. Also he was very sensitive about me touching him on his underside. So I was starting to worry about it.

When I was getting ready for bed, I moved my blanket. Then the damn thing just came skittering across my blanket and hide in the other folds of it. I finally managed to get it off my bed and onto the floor where I killed it. I KILL IT GOOD!!
So I think that explains why Hideki was so freakin jumpy and I'm thinking he might have been bitten by the damn thing. I will continue observing his behavior to see if he keeps doing it.

oh and even after I showed Hideki the dead geji-geji, he was still jumpy about things.

Oh yeah, freakin' spider are everywhere as well. I kill them good too....and only possible cuz they're small. The spiders here get really freakin' HUGE!!


Brian Miller said...

lol. sounds like life is going to the bugs. duck tape...who would have thought. thanks for stopping by my site and commenting. will be back soon!

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