Monday, December 10, 2007


So I got a kitty!!

I named him Hideki (from Chobits), male, 7-8 months old.
He's a crazy little acrobat who loves to jump all over the place including my shoulder.
He loves all the attention he can get and tries to give me kisses -_- it's cute i know but i don't want animals kissing my face.

I got him off a fellow JET whose friend found under a bridge abandon with the rest of the litter. In the long run he ended up with 2 kittens, which was too much for his tiny one bedroom apartment.
After posting a help post in our local Gunma forum i offered to give a new home to this little kitty and i plan on taking him home with me when my time is up. (I've already looked into's not that hard to bring cats into California, but i have to do a lot before i leave from Japan)

He now has the run of my living room/kitchen.
oh and he loves to sleep with me, either next to my face or curled underneath the covers with me. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks like toby the redux.