Thursday, September 6, 2007


ok so I was going to talk about my first week teaching but not anymore.

I am currently at the tip of a typhoon YAY :D
I'm so lucky, my first big storm.
This year will have a lot of first times for me ^^

The storm will really hit us (Gunma prefecture) around 9am tomorrow but we won't be under the eye of the storm. There really hasn't been any big announcements... well there has been announcements i just can't understand them. The last one they made is about the tv going out, but thats ok I got the good old internet to entertain me ^_^

So I got let out of school early since I don't have a car and have to take the school bus home (yes i take the bus with most of the students so I get to go home earlier than the other teachers^^) all due to the storm, even though it wasn't that bad yet.

I got back to my part of the town, so I decided to go to the bank just so i have some cash on me (this is a cash based society, not much for cards here) and to one of the local stores. I bought a few things and a pair of rain boots and i'm kinda glad i did now. While i was in the store the clerk took out the town hall's type of monthly paper which had a picture of me and a introduction( i've been doing A LOT of these) that i wrote when i first got here. She kept pointing at it and trying to talk to me. The only thing I understood was how this is my second time here in Japan. As i started walking home, thats when started pouring, a few minutes after i got into the house it REALLY started raining hard.

A couple of hours after I got home the English teacher that i team teach with called me to inform me that there would be no school tomorrow. YES my first time staying home from school because of the weather!

So yes a big storm is a comin'...kinda here already cuz it's getting hella loud out there. the wind is REALLY picking up and it's starting to rain a lot harder now. Tomorrow will be a lot worse thats for sure.

I'll talk about my first week in school once I get the pictures downloaded from my camera.

oh, the power just went out for a bit, kinda used to that back home ^^
good thing i had a candle burning just in case it did.
i wasn't that upset about the light, i was upset cuz i had no more internet :(
But it's ok now, we got POWER hahahahaha, i'm going to get ready for bed now...or make some somores ^_^

Ja nee.

here are before and after pics of the river in my town

1 comment:

amhp said...

Hey, Jandra - you must be too busy for blogs, huh? Welcome to the world of new experiences - hope it's going well for you!