Monday, August 27, 2007

Meeting people

Ok so before i left from the states they kept saying at the orientation that we should join a club here while in Japan so that way we get to meet natives. So yesterday I decided to go to the badminton club that meets every Monday nights. I go and there are only 5 people there, 3 guys and two women. None of them speak English, Miko, the aunt like figure there, can say a few English words and me who can only understand a few words. Next thing i know one of the younger guys left to get the English teacher at his school ( i thought this guy was one of the students at the local highschool).

well they come back a few minutes later and they are both apparently in their early 20's teaching at the Manba Highschool. After a few minutes of introduction we start playing, i haven't played in like 4 yrs and the English teacher, Aiko, doesn't really play she plays tennis instead so its been a while for her as well. After 30 min of just hitting the bird back n forth they tell us to play Ja Kin Po (RockPaperScissors) and then we start a little competition pairing up with the guys.

It was a good thing that me and Aiko get to play against each other b/c we were both pretty bad. Aiko team won the first round, I won the second. It was a pretty fun experience and they're expecting back next week and even want me to join the a tournament they'll be having on Sept 9th, so i guess i just joined a club.

Tomorrow will be my first day teaching even thou I won't be doing anything until 3rd period.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I'm so happy i got a keitai ^_^

i got a DoCoMo FOMA SO704i in silver it's soo pretty ^^
i luv just looking at all the new functions and video chat and the cute characters i can use and put on my main display screen, i'm using the LocoRoco characters :)

the phone service is cheaper than in the States (i think it is at least)
i can only talk for 55 min/ month which is fine for me since i generally want to use it if i get lost or if something happens to me while driving (hopefully none of that will happen).
i can email 100x per month for 1000 yen on top of the service i got.

i felt so weird not having a cell phone to use my first few weeks here, especially when I got a bit lost trying to find the main post office in Fujioka City (the closest city to me). i'm so glad Ahmed was able to rent a phone when he first arrived and was able to call my supervisor for help.

That's all that's new

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Settling in

I finally have internet, it only took them a week to set it up.
Now that I have it i've been on everyday talking to my family and Ahmed almost everyday.

Since I arrived to Kanna-machi, hachi gatsu youka (aug.8th), I've been able to unpack everything, fix the desk and bookshelf area, clean up a bit, do some laundry (do that almost everyday), etc...

After have a few days to myself Ahmed arrived and was able to spend a few days of showing him around and just hanging out. After having him here for a few days I had to go to Maebashi, the capital of Gunma, for a three day orientation. The best day of the orientation was the last day, we were able to have culture days and got to do calligraphy, shiatsu and play with traditional Japanese instruments the Koto & Shakuhachi.

But the best outing was on the second night tons of us all went to, yup you guessed it KARAOKE!!!! All you can sing and drink for 2 hrs for just 2600 yen. It was hella fun and we all had a blast!(especially those who drank all the alcohol they cud ^_^).

The 19th was a bit of a sad day, Ahmed had to go back to the States :(

Since then I finally got my Alien ID and was able to open a checking account.
now all i need is a car.

What I do on my free time is study Japanese and watch weird Japanese tv game and shows. Some of them are hella out there but i luv watching them ^^

So I've also been taking lots of pics and have now opened a account at photobucket, thou i'm still trying to dwnload pics and short movies i've been taking with my new digital cam.

Chat with you all later.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Flight to Japan

Hello everyone!
I'm finally in Japan. Landed about 11:30 a.m. States time, so about 3:30 p.m. Japan time. I didn't get to the hotel till 6:30 p.m.

I called Asami,my Japanese friend for those of you who don't know, and we went out to eat. I wish there was enough time for us to go shopping but most of the shops closed at 10 p.m. and we finished dinner at 9:50 so that didn't give us enough time to do anything.

I was finally able to go to sleep about 10:30p.m.(around 6a.m.) and slept 6 hrs straight, woke up at 4a.m. for some odd reason and then woke up again at about 6:30 a.m. I got a full 8 hrs of sleep last night so I'm happy.

Had breakfast, went to the nearest Starbucks and now I'm about to go to all the orientation type stuff at 10.
bye now